mercredi 5 septembre 2007


Hi everybody!
this post in english, who knows who may want to read...

Just arrived this night in Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia.
A mere 5 hours and a half of bus ride, and there I was, at 3:30 am, in the main coach terminal station, the pitch dark sky above my head, re-discovering the "real" world of sensations and people. after the bleach white and cleanness of Singapore, KL offers a wide range of strong smells of food, smoke, dampness, and... just the local bakground smell.
There is litter. Some people do shout, even in the middle of the night (god forbid, thinks the Singaporean...hehe)

I found a hostel less than 50 meters away from where the coach dropped me. the room was made up of four walls, a floor, a fake ceiling (some cardboard boxes unfolded and jointed together), a dirty-looking bed and a tiny chair.

The population is quite different here, no more chinese. Well,... at least, it's more difficult to say, compared to Singapore. I'll be chaking out options to go to Penang, and report on the local food of course.
what have I seen so far? a guy selling miniatures guitars, looking slightly shabby, at the foot of a giant escalator leading to the Maybak tower (national bank? am I right?), that one looking really fancy. a hostel like any other, youth smoking away their night in front of the "late show" (global media...), taxis drivers and stalls selling coach tickets approaching me every ten seconds. I keep asking stuff to random people in the street, in the shops: where is nearest hostel? where can I buy a sim card? where can I buy a guidebook? etc etc , the answer is always nice :)

hopefully I'll be able to put some pictures also, either here or on facebook.

Hugs from Malaysia

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Looks like your are not wasting any second there. I\'m happy for you experiencing SEA, must be exciting over there.

Take care, don\'t feed monstrous cute monkeys.


Jean Penny a dit…

actually yes Im trying to use my best in the best possible way, but also not to rush too much... this is holiday after all!
I have seen some monkeys, i the jungle between the west and east coast today, but no chance to feed tehm... them run away from anything or anyone so fast they just disappear